Pavement, Black Plastic Bags, and an Inspirational Field of Tomatoes

I volunteer at an urban church which is committed to gardening. We garden on a re-purposed vacant lot. We grow trees on a group of city lots that are not suitable for construction. We garden in aquariums in a 3rd floor classroom. We garden in a newly constructed greenhouse. We grow disciples, and we grow food. One of the hats I wear is a woven straw hat that my god-daughter bought for me on a super sunny day in El Salvador. One of the figurative hats I wear is Urban Greenhouse Project Coordinator. I did not go to school to be a gardener or a botanist or a horticulturist. I learned to raise a vegetable garden from my dad. I started learning about urban gardening strategies from friends in El Salvador. One of the challenges whi ch El Sa lvador faces is high population density and lack of access to affordable, healthy foods in urban and suburban areas. People who live in the countryside with limited economic resources can manage to ...