Partnering During A Pandemic: The Virtual Campfire

I found four raggedy pieces of paper, ripped out of a small notebook. Black ink on pale green paper. At the top of the first page, in big letters it says: Go Big or Go Home. I kept reading: 100% All In They gave us everything. We have much to share. Super Hospitality. Dancing in Public. People are Resources. You look at the world in a different way. If we speak in a stereotype, we represent that we are now the experts. As delegations, we gather together on the porch in the after-dinner dark to reflect on our days. I often scribble down notes and thoughts in a journal or on scraps of paper. Cleaning during a pandemic provided a re-encounter with an evening of reflection in El Salvador. Let's keep reading: What if we greeted everybody at our church the same way that we were welcomed here? What would our church look like? Though I walk through the valley, I know you are with me. How can there be so much ...