Mission of Healing 2021 Final Theme: Yoga and Reflexology Ideas for Stress Management
It's been a stressful year. Everywhere. The impact of the pandemic on our circle of friends in El Salvador is particularly heavy this week: several deaths from COVID, including a young youth group leader.; two suicides - young people struggling with depression. Even the most hopeful among us are feeling pretty down right now. We all just try to help where we can. We do what we are able to do. We keep on keeping on. The church teams that are using the Mission of Healing materials this year tell us that the discussions are good. We often hear from the adults that they really love coloring because it helps them to destress. As the year has progressed, we have actually tried to design the adult information pages so the illustrations can be colored during the presentation and discussion. We decided to make the final workshop for the year a continuation of the focus on stress, with a bit of yoga and reflexology and some tips for managing stressful moments. The Salvadoran Lutheran Ch