The Rice-a-Roni Story

In the early days, the secret goal of any delegation member was to be assigned to Sandra's house. Even before the days of cinder block and tile floor when the roof leaked and a riverlet channel ran across the width of the dirt floor, Sandra's house provided a much appreciated level of comfort. Some people are just naturally neat and tidy. Some people have a knack for creating a cheerful and welcoming space with very basic things. Some people can turn ordinary ingredients into a gourmet dinner. Sandra has these gifts by nature, but she has also developed these gifts in order to preserve the precarious life of her son. Born with a serious heart condition, Sandra's son was not given good expectations for a long or active live. He is now in high school and has aspirations of becoming a doctor. So, as Sandra swept debris from her yard to keep the cockroaches and mice away, as Sandra carefully washed her vegetables and dishes in water which she chlorina...