Cross Cultural Training?
It was not really in the plans, but for a little while we ended up inviting a Salvadoran mom and a couple of kids to live with us in a place where we were staying. It was somewhat of an urgent situation, and one for which none of us was quite prepared. Most people who know me also know that I am a tidy housekeeper. OK, my kids might say I am a little obsessive. It is true that as a Boy Scout leader I had the cleanest tent in camp, even with a dirt floor. One of my secrets: the throw rug. No matter where I am staying, tent included, I put a throw rug at the door and that is where the shoes come off. At home I actually keep a basket of guest slippers by the door (a custom borrowed from my daughter who spent some time living in messy Siberia). So, back to El Salvador, where, of course, shoes come off at the door. I have observed that this is a pretty strange custom for most Salvadorans. It certainly was something new for the mom and...