Holy Week in El Salvador: Gifts
This is the fourth in a series of stories which describe our experiences in El Salvador during Holy Week... Our beloved friends in El Salvador give us gifts. All the time. Salvadorans are genuinely generous people. When we ask delegation members about their experiences, this is consistently the first statement we hear. We - our family and our church - have experienced radical hospitality from the very first visits we made eighteen years ago. We have slept in beds while our hosts have slept on the floor. We have eaten whatever food families can share; sometimes receiving the gift of a family's last chicken. Precious quarters have purchased cold soda for us on hot afternoons. Our kids received well-loved and precious toys. We have been presented with treasured baby photos, cups from the cupboard, homemade cards full of glitter, preserved food and hand-embroidered cloths. After so many years of visits and now time living in El Salv...