Family Circle - Little Ones Learning Remotely

The church in our Salvadoran community has a preschool. Well, not exactly a preschool in the way we in the US think of a preschool. It is called Footprints Family Circle and is designed for little ones with their grown-ups, from the time of pregnancy until the children go off to kindergarten. During their first few years in elementary school, the children can come back to the Family Circle one day a week for "reinforcements" in reading and math. The Family Circle is led by Karla, a young mom from the church who has received training in early childhood education. She has the support of an experienced teacher who is her mentor and another teacher who is a recent college graduate with a degree in education. During "normal times," The Family Circle meets 2 days each week at the church, plus a third day for reinforcement teaching. The grown-ups include a group of moms, a couple of dads and some grandparents who are all remarkably dedicated. When the ...