Vacation Week: Concepción de Ataco

Cobblestones, clay roof tiles, and murals add historic charm to Concepción de Ataco Our next stop on the vacation week tour is the town of Concepción de Ataco. This lovely colonial town is a convenient place to stay while exploring the Apaneca mountain region in western El Salvador. Side note: if you are just joining me on this little tour, you might wish to catch up by checking out the first two stories in the Vacation Week series: Coffee Stop above Lake Coatepeque Experiencing the Energy at Tazumal I have visited Ataco with several delegations over the years, and we have enjoyed staying in Ataco for a couple of family vacations. A few years ago, I wrote Off the Beaten Path: Concepción de Ataco , which gives a little overview and history of the town, as well as a profile of the boutique hotel where we stayed. Like many touristic locations in El Salvador, Ataco reveals a little more of its character and history with each successive visit. Hanging flowers add ambiance a...