They Are the Youth

They dance. They have friends. They stay up late doing homework. They text. They work when they can. They go to high school nearby. They do spoken word. They live with their parents. They ride the bus for 3 hours to study at a university. They are active in their churches. They are artists. They care for babies. They have babies. They stay up late doing homework. They play the drums. They play cell phone games. They play soccer games. They have friends. They have friends who have died. They have friends who have been killed. They love their community. They come home before dark. They are afraid of their community. There are rules in their community. They are organized. They are organizing in the community. They have gifts. They have talents. They have goals. They have dreams. They love their community. They want to live in their community. They want to live. The rainy season had not quite taken hold, but the afternoon skies were gray and threatening. ...