Legend: The Origin of the Corn

This story is told in the region of Tonacatepeque, El Salvador. It comes from the time before the land which is now El Salvador was colonized by Europeans and is drawn from a combination of cultures and sources. The first American people had been created and formed some time ago. They wandered in the forests of their chieftains, gathering their foods from the plains among the hills. They fed themselves with roots, fruits, stalks and tender buds, which were pleasing to the palate. However, this alone was not enough to feed everyone, so Ometecuhtli (God of Life) thought he should create something that could sustain the people. He ordered Tonacatecuhtli (God of Sustenance, at the center of all things) to give the people the means to find a new food. So, Tonacatecuhtli materialized and took the form of a priest. He began to preach to the people the about the creation of a new type of food that would sustain them. The people gathered very close to th...