More First Impressions

When I think back to that first trip to El Salvador, one thing I really remember were the worship services: lots of worship and lots of trying not to keel over from heat exhaustion during worship. The good thing is that Lutheran liturgy is pretty predicable, so despite the lack of Spanish in my then-repertoire, I could follow along pretty well. Language differences did cause some humorous moments did generate one of our all-time favorite worship jokes. During his very long sermon, Bishop Gomez kept saying "Gracias a Dios" or "Thanks be to God." Of course, we rookies heard the two words we knew in Spanish, "gracias" and "adios" or "thanks and good-bye." One of the guys in our group (the same one who got pulled over by the police during our exit from the airport), said, "I kept hearing thanks and good-bye, and I stood up to leave, but the sermon just kept going on and on and on." My journal entries from the time serve t...