Just Look At Him Shine!

Traffic was at a standstill. Workers could not get to their jobs. Students could not get to their schools. The buses were not running. We had a car. We didn't really know why the traffic was so heavy because the buses along our street were actually operating. When we got to Casa Concordia my husband dropped me off and continued on to his meetings for the day. Pretty soon I heard the news that the buses running north of San Salvador and into the city were not running due to a strike. Then someone heard about a couple of buses being burned and 7 or 8 drivers being killed. Everyone was talking about the gangs. The story of the gang order for buses to stop transporting people in certain areas and of deadly consequences for drivers who were not complying with the gang order describes the terrible circumstances which set the stage for another story which took place on Monday. On a day when most people coul...