A Little Poem for Valentine's Day

The mom is working long hours.  Her sister and her aunt are helping her.  She is running a little restaurant in a small town.  Her son is a good helper, though he is just 10.

Her son and I were sitting at a small table set up in the street.  We were there for a long, long time.  He was a little bored.  I reached into my purse and found a pen and a small piece of yellow, lined note paper.  "I will write you a poem," he said.

I planted a little tea bush
to have tea, and then more tea
I had more tea, and I loved tea,
and so I am going to love the tea all of my life.

The poem is a metaphor.  In Spanish, the word te is used for you.  The word means tea.

"I think he is very enamored with you," said the aunt when she looked at the poem.  The little boy bowed his head and grinned.  "And I am with him," I smiled.


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