Off the Beaten Path: Sanctuary

A beautiful aspect of the Roman Catholic faith tradition is the practice of keeping church doors open so the faithful can find a quiet sanctuary in which to pray throughout the day.  As Lutheran pilgrims in El Salvador, we often find ourselves seeking moments of respite and reflection in the middle of the day.  Whether in the heart of San Salvador or in a small rural pueblo, open sanctuary doors invite people to come inside for moments of prayer, of coolness and quiet, of rest and reflection, and of writing or drawing or capturing the moments with a few photographs.

A few of Linda's Sanctuary Moments from 2015-16...

El Paisnal

San Salvador

San Salvador




San Salvador

San Salvador

San Salvador

San Salvador
San Salvador
You also may wish to view recent photos of the Stations of the Cross in El Rosario.


  1. It was wonderful to reflect on moments spent standing where many of these were taken. And yes, a moment of sanctionary


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