Just Click: Fifteen Minutes in Juayua

Sometimes a gracious delegation will let me tag along for a ride. This is a great way for me to get to where I need to be with a little extra fun and friendship along the way. In this way, I recently took an unexpected ride along the Ruta de las Flores. 

After the rainy months, this scenic drive between Sonsonate and Santa Ana is lined with flowers of all kinds, but this excursion was mysteriously (to me, anyway) planned during the dry time. The group was pretty tired of riding in the bus but remained in good humor, entertaining themselves with card games, music, jokes and conversation. Me -- I got out my camera, cracked the bus window open and started clicking away.

Balloon guys are funny - but what is this one supposed to be?

I just cannot imagine the laundry stays very clean as it dries.
Also - kudos for creativity in hanging.

Remnants of the old train system - some day, I will need to check
out the train museum in Sonsonate

This just seems weird and so far removed from the lives of
our Salvadoran friends.

Not a lot of flowers along the route, but check out the 
maquilishuat tree blooming in the distance.
That's the national tree of El Salvador.

We stopped for fifteen minutes in Juayua, which gave me a chance to explore a bit and click off a few photos from outside the bus. 

Central plaza in Juayua

The parish church, Santa Lucia, located on one side of the central plaza.

Interior of the church


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