Tales of Greasy and Grubby: Babies

Today I got peed on by Messiah.

OK, not THE Messiah, but by a little guy who is named Messiah.  Pants all wet, both his and mine.  Not a lot I could do but walk him over to his mom for a change, and walk back to my chair feeling a little bit icky.  I looked across at Greasy.  She is visiting and we decided to go to Bible Study together at the church where I work as a volunteer.  It seemed like old times.

We used to joke when we were together in El Salvador:  "Which one of us will some baby pee upon today?"  We love babies, and we love to hold babies, and the reality is that babies pee.  We even planned to wear patterned skirts on days when we knew we would be out and about visiting families, just in case.  Lots of babies in El Salvador wear cute cloth diapers with little bears or airplanes on them.  The diapers  fasten with velcro at the corners, which is much better than pins which tend to rust.  Of course, babies do not wear plastic pants - who wants to wear plastic pants when it is 90 degrees outside?  Very few babies have disposable diapers, because those are expensive and add to community garbage heaps.

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me."  We hear these words and in our mind's eyes what do we see?  Children climbing into Jesus' lap, giving him hugs, hanging onto his clothing.  Jesus loves children.  Jesus loves babies...even when they pee.


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