Precious Water - A Hike to the Source

The people of this place live within their history as much as they live within their daily lives. Beyond the highway, beyond the cobbled town streets, beyond the dirt road, they are isolated. Atrocities during the war years left scars on their bodies, scars in their hearts and holes in their families. They point to the places where women and children were massacred. They sing their songs and they tell their stories. This is a good thing. This is a healing thing. This is the work of the church in this place. Little by little as family members were wounded in the struggle or and others were driven from their homes, the town was essentially abandoned. Families sought refuge Fe y Esperanza, the Lutheran refugee camp Faith and Hope. After the war, the old people returned home. Some of the younger people went on to study or work in the city, and others joined their parents in tending the family farm plots. The soil is...