Just Click: On the Road Again

Every now and then I spend a few days with my phone in hand, snapping pictures of the scenes as they go past the car windows.  Here are a few moments from the first two months of 2018...

New Year = New selections at the Super-Hero-Pajamas Corner

The San Salvador volcano is in our daily view... we noticed the installation
of a small shrine at the edge of the sugar cane field and were told it is the
beginning of a new housing development planned by the Catholic Church.

Paper beats rock. Rock beats scissors. Cow beats semi.

The tree shadow caught my attention in this photo, with the twin peaks of
San Vicente in the background.

Saddled up for a ride.

Bus driver gets out, helps woman unload her huge sacks of produce...this
is how fresh stuff gets out to the small towns far away from the capital city.
Rivers run low at this time of year.

Empanadas and coconuts.  Really, just about everything is available at
a roadside stand somewhere.

San Miguel volcano
Loaded gun, riding with a bunch of propane tanks.  Not sure that hard had
will do much good...

¡Feliz viaje!  Happy travels!


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