Just Click: Special 2018 Elections Edition

In one week, Salvadorans will go to the polls to elect their representatives (deputies) of the National Assembly, as well as mayors and city council members.  Campaigns will continue through Wednesday, after which candidates are not allowed to campaign, .and voting takes place on Sunday.  

Over the past month, campaign volunteers have been fast and furious in taking down propaganda from the opposition and installing their own.  In the old days, campaigners armed with cans of paint and brushes would transform light poles, curbs, and guardrails from one party color to another, creating new streetscapes overnight!  Paint is no longer allowed, nor are posters pasted up on walls or light poles.  Billboards are allowed and seem to be rented by the week as the images change from one party to another frequently, providing steady income to the advertising companies.  Flags are also allowed (which I personally find very fun), as are stiff posters mounted on light poles and free-standing banners posted in the medians of major roadways.

ARENA came out early with billboards along all the major roadways.

Not sure how Shafik would feel about this juxtaposition.
(This is a monument to FMLN icon, Shafik Handel, with an ARENA billboard in the background.)

This candidate, clearly proud of the hours he spends at the gym, had his campaign posters up early in January.  His strategy is effective, everyone who José #10 is - the guy with the big arms!
(The #10 indicates to the voter that on the ballot he is the tenth person down in the list of ARENA candidates for deputy.)
Week 1:  ARENA Flags go up.
Week 2:  FMLN flags go up.
Week 3:  Orange GANA flags (behind the red one) and taller ARENA flags go up.
The FMLN has fewer big signs, instead opting for smaller signs posted on light
poles.  We did notice that every FMLN candidate photo features a suit with red
tie for the guys, and a red outfit for the gals.
Vote PCN (Conciliation National Party) by marking an X
Or go to the little piggy pork restaurant.
Midway through the campaign, PCN seemed to overtake ARENA in the billboard wars.

A few weeks into the campaign, the FMLN plastered signs on the back of buses.
Other parties dabble in bus propaganda, but the FMLN definitely has the advantage...

If you call this an advantage.
Something new for the final two weeks:  billboard AND a flag!
Day by day, more posters, more flags, more banners...it's like a country-wide fiesta!

Even in towns where there is no chance of an opposition party victory, the flags of the local party fly high.

ARENA's slogan:  We can be more.

FMLN:  Glass of milk - part of a campaign touting milk and school supplies for children as an FMLN success.


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