Just Click: Presidential Campaign 2019

Sometimes the cell phone is at hand, and from my co-pilot seat I am able to grab a couple of pics as we make our way through traffic.  There are about 10 campaign days left before the 2019 Salvadoran presidential election.   Here are a few images from the January street campaign (and just a note that citizens vote by marking a black X over the party flag(s) associated with their chosen candidate):

Let the flag wars begin!  The flag game in Apopa, according to a local resident
is:  Whoever has the highest ladder wins.

Earlier in the day there were FMLN rallies, including one we drove through
here at the Shafik Handel memorial roundabout.  I was too busy being with
co-pilot duties during the rally to get a photo of the crowd, but 
the flags remain.

"Vote for Calleja.  Vote for jobs."  The ARENA candidate does not have
nearly as many flags up as the FMLN.  However, in the past few days,
volunteers have been out handing car flags with Calleja's face on them to
willing recipients.

Can't miss the celestial blue of Nayib Bukele's campaign.  On this day, the
campaign was registering people to serve as "vigilantes" (party reps that keep
 an eye on things at polling sites - now being called "defenders of the vote")
The Bukele campaign effort to recruit vigilantes

Yesterday the buses still had "Feliz Navidad" signs on them.  Today, the bus
campaign begins, at least for candidate Hugo Martínez of the FMLN.

Self-explanatory.  Hugo has flags.  Nayib has billboards.

A rare siting of a Nayib Bukele flag surrounded by FMLN
 and Hugo flags.

Seriously, Hugo flags are everywhere.

"Vote top and center" (how to find the correct flag on the ballot).
  "Let's make history."

This car magnet indicates this driver or vehicle owner is part of the Comando
Familiar movement of volunteers for the Bukele campaign.  People can
register as leaders of groups of ten family or friends via a web site
(promoted widely on localized campaign Facebook pages) with a
commitment to make sure those 10 people vote.  The promotions
on social media are pretty slick and offer a free polo shirt to leaders.

Speaking of shirts, the FMLN has no shortage of t-shirts
appearing at various FMLN-sponsored community
gatherings like this one which featured toys for kids and
baskets of food for families.


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