Partnering During a Pandemic - The Messenger Call

At this time, across the United States, millions of families are living under stay-at-home orders from their governors. In my state, the order allows families to go to the grocery store, to the pharmacy, and to pick up foods from restaurants. Businesses identified as "essential" remain open. Churches have been identified as "essential" and that means groups of 10 people or fewer can work in the church, keeping distances of 6 feet or more between workers. Most churches, like ours, are closed to everyone except for a few staff people. Worship is run from an empty sanctuary or a pastor's living room - sometimes live, sometimes recorded. Our church in Milwaukee feeds people, literally, with food. We cook and serve hot meals. We provide food security for families who "shop" in our food pantry. We grow thousands of pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables which are free for the neighborhood. Individuals and families in our neighborhood nee...